Neither know or care

Published: Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Sue (No problem) feels we must 'save these waterways for us all', writes John Wilkinson.

I'm sorry, but the vast majority of that which she describes as 'the public of the UK' neither know nor care about the waterways and to think that they will ever give generously to support them is, I'm afraid, misguided in the extreme.

Self -interest

23 grand was the paltry amount that CaRT managed to raise in its national appeal for the Trent & Mersey breach, which cost—well, how much did it cost, anyone know? And I wager the majority of that came from boaters who, naturally, have a self-interest.

Times are hard for many people at the moment. Does anyone really imagine that 'the public' will donate in sufficiently large quantities to support what most, if they even know the waterways system exists, probably view as a pastime for a lucky few who, as Sue says, 'all have boats'?

Common thinking

This sort of thinking is common. It's called 'not seeing the wood for the trees'. Be it canals, steam engines, golf, politics or religion, people become so wrapped up in their own little interest group or club to the point where the view of the outsider is no longer given consideration.

My own view is that the English waterways have had their day. The first canal age ended because the boats were priced off and the second will end the same way. With this bunch running the whole shebang into the ground, whilst finding ever more inventive ways of fleecing the customers, how could it be otherwise?

Never mind the words of Mr. Swift, heed those of Private Frazer!