
Published: Thursday, 02 April 2009
Since 2000

The site narrowboatworld is a waterways newspaper on the Web, and since 2000 when it was first introduced, has remained the most read and regarded as the most influential of any waterways publication, having no bias. It now of course being so well established and open for any waterway related contribution.

Since its last major update in 2009 there has been the 'explosion' of the use of tablets, and particularly mobile phones that people use to browse the web, so in April 2017, Jason Crossley, our Software Developer, re-designed the site from scratch, not only to make the site tablet and phone friendly, but to increase its safety.

The Search facility is a most used feature it containing 15,715 articles up to October 2024, enabling anyone to search for anything they like connected with waterways.  Each article published shows its number in its address.

Telling it like it is

narrowboatworld is a non-profit publication, now without those annoying Google adverts that pack so many sites and published in the interests of boaters and the waterways, with the aim of 'telling it like it is', and the only site that does not 'toe the line' and does publish such as stoppages that of course are of great importance to cruising boaters and that are now coming at one a day—around 30 stoppages a month!

Emails and features to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emails and articles are always welcome from anyone providing it concerns boating, and are included unedited, except for any typographical or spelling errors to comply with our Style Book. But we will not allow personal attacks, and should anything be untoward, the sender will be contacted before any alteration is published.

In the case of emails or articles about the authorities, we do not hold with the system of sending the email or article to the authority concerned for comment, which others publishers then include with the original, which usually negates the writer's opinion.  But of course we do allow the particular authority to answer. That is then the end of the matter.

Emails for publication must include the writer's full name, But under no circumstances will the correspondent's email address be passed on to a third party, unless with express permission.  We are always pleased to receive information for publication regarding any aspect of the waterways or boating and it is left to the writer as to whether his or her name be included.  But please state if the name is not to be included and we will honour this. providing it is shown in the email address, that of course is not published.


As boaters for the past 22 years we spend Tuesdays on the boat, so there are no updates on this particular day.  We also take two fortnightly cruises during the year when normal updates are not included, but Victor Swift usually gives his unique view of the waterway situation... 

The team

Publisher and Editor—Tom Crossley

Software Designer—Jason Crossley

Proof Reader—Ted Sedman

Senior Reporter—Roger Fox

Reporter and Stoppages—Keith Gudgin

Columnist—Victor Swift

Columnist—David Hymers

All undertake without any payment whatsoever, with Tom Crossley paying for the internet use.