Will this be fixed quicker?

Published: Thursday, 16 January 2025

THE LIFT bridge on the Peak Forest Canal is broken and the navigation closed.

Wood EndWill it be fixed quicker that the Loco Lift Bridge on the Huddersfield Broad, Keith Gudgin asks when reporting it?

We are told the motor is the problem, on the Wood End Lift Bridge 24 (pictured) on the Peak Forest Canal.

Started the saga

And it was the motor that started the saga of the Loco Lift Bridge, that then developed into more reasons/excuses for its failure way back on the 20th of November, nearly two months ago, and is still not repaired.

It really is hoped this will not be the same with Wood End Lift Bridge that last failed on the 7th November.

LATEST: The Wood End Lift Bridge was fixed quicker, as it was reopened this moring, Thursday.