Withdrawal of funding coming home to roost

Published: Friday, 13 December 2024

AS AN EX EMPLOYEE of the trust I have a hunch about the impact of the recent storm. 

This has been heightened considerably by the withdrawal of funding from the annual vegetation contracts since 2018.

llangollenMuch programmed annual maintenance was scaled back considerably as cost cutting exercises, including making staff redundant whose primary role was checking the state of vegetation and organising the ongoing annual maintenance.

Divert money

I write this having just watched an item on the BBC local news with a CRT representative bleating on about how difficult it is to find the money to remove the storm damaged trees. CRT has chosen to divert money from this type of work over the last six  years and put it to other unspecified uses. So here is the result.

Yes I am still bitter about what they did to my colleagues.

[Witten by a known to us ex employee of Canal & River Trust who prefers to write anonymously.]