CaRT Facebook censorship criticism

Published: Thursday, 15 November 2012

THE whole ethos of Facebook is that people can air their grievances, with always of course the right of reply, but not so with Canal & River Trust.

Boaters are telling us that there is strict censorship prevailing, with any posting on CaRT Facebook that its staff do not like quickly deleted.

Too near the truth

There was a posting querying Ralph Freeman's treatment by CaRT, 'Why are you harassing Ralph Freeman?', that immediately prompted comments, that obviously were too near the truth, with Peter Ponting telling us:

"Both Steve Jay and myself added other comments, which were simply removed by the CaRT staff. So it would appear that CaRT have opted to have a social network site, yet derogatory comments are quickly removed.

"As a contributor through my licence fee, I would expect a charitable organisation would listen to its donors, and let them contribute on its social network site without being censored."

One of the posts likened the treatment of Ralph to that of Pamela Smith who was hounded for daring to publish something that the then British Waterways directors took exception to.