Waterways are for boats

Published: Saturday, 14 January 2012

HERE we go again, John Dodwell is a boater, and tells us however canals are not just for boats—actually that's exactly their original purpose.

The government is indeed contributing £39 million and John makes the point that it is not just for boats, writes Ken Keegan.


Well boaters contribute probably an equal amount if not more once you take into account licences, mooring fees, contribution to waterside businesses and the hire boat companies, oh yes and our contribution is index linked.

The rest of the waterways users, with the exception of fishermen, pay nothing to use the waterways. Okay the government £39 million comes from the taxpayer, but many boaters also pay tax and some of the people part of whose tax contribution goes to the waterways never go near one. I'm delighted that other organisations like English Heritage pay to help restore some of our industrial heritage but let's not get too carried away; after all that is what those organisations are for.

Tackle the government

To John Dodwell and the other Trustees—stop wasting time trying to talk up the contributions made by other organisations and tackle the government head on. The £39 million is not enough on its own, without index linking it will be a disaster, that's without the £49 million pension deficit.

The Trustees have ten years of government funding after that you are on your own and make no mistake it is your responsibility.