Bank vandalism

Published: Sunday, 29 May 2011

WE ARE receiving reports of vandalism of the bank of the Keadby & Stainforth Canal—that we have actually witnessed ourselves—obviously done for angling.

One boater, Denis Boyle has sent this photograph of what he describes as 'deliberate bank vandalism on the Keadby & Stainforth Canal approximately every 20 metres for four miles at least from Keadby to Ealand', and asks:

"Will the bank repairs which will undoubtedly be needed in the future be paid for by the angling club who have obviously done this or will the money have to be found from the ever decreasing canal maintenance budget?"

Denis tells us a  copy of his email has been sent to British Waterways, and he is awaiting a reply.


Denis has now had a reply from British Waterways, that is very concerned, and he was told 'they are not happy and are doing some investigating with a view to prosecute if they can get proof it was the angling club that did the damage, although they may have trouble in identifying the individual responsible in the club.