Taking on climate change

Published: Friday, 18 December 2020

THE Canal & River Trust taking on climate change has created a few comments.

MakingLifeBetterReferring of course to the Trust 'Improving the charity's use of materials and waste management'.

Sums them up

Linda Andrews of Cheshire Cat Narrowboat Holidays, sums them up nicely:

'Does that include the thousands of blue plastic signs that are now blighting the waterways, wherever you look?'

Here's a later one that now blights the waterways—and no doubt many more to come, their production not doing too much to help waste management, and the climate change.

No reason given

We forwarded this photograph we took on our trip along the Staffs & Worcs this year to CaRT, on which someone had asked the simple question 'How' it made life better by water?  But no reason was given.

That gives the impression it is nothing more than a waste of resources...