Email: Moved from Harecastle

Published: Thursday, 04 December 2014

It is obvious that the the health and safety man who answered the coroner about the death in Harecastle Tunnel has never been anywhere near it.

I actually moved my moorings away from the area as my wife was scared of going through Harecastle, though remaining inside she could still see the walls very close in the narrow tunnel and did not like it one bit, I having the curtains open of course to shed more light on the sides.

Seeing those people stood on the back of the small space of a traditional boat and knowing how easily it is for the boat to strike the side, it amazes me that more people have not fell off and drowned, and can see that  a buoyancy aid that the coroner suggested, especially if you have not a rail around the stern, is most sensible.

For the Head of Health and Safety, Tony Stammers, to say that safety equipment is not needed in Harecastle after a boater is drowned by not having it, is unbelievable. Or perhaps action is not taken until a certain number are first killed, and it has not reached that number yet.  With CaRT nowadays, anything is possible.

Tom Aktins