Meeting the boaters

Published: Monday, 30 September 2013

THE new Chief Executive of Canal & River Trust, Richard Parry, is certainly hearing for himself the concerns of boaters, not only taking trips with them, but visiting boaters at their marinas, the latest being Tinsley on the Sheffield & South Yorkshire Navigation.

Accompanied by Jenny Whitehall the National Moorings Manager he dropped by at the marina, writes Mick Fitzgibbons.

Positive conversation

Richard had been invited a few days beforehand to come along and meet a few customers on CaRT moorings. He turned up unannounced and out of the blue. We were able to have a positive conversation touching upon various issues in and around the marina.

This is my first time meeting the new CEO and I admit I was won over. That's a good outcome from an old dyed in the wool cynic like me. (Cynicism was a requirement of the job in higher education.)

Actually listening

Richard's attitude is not the one I have come to expect from CaRT staff at senior manager levels. It took a moment or two to realise that he was actually listening intently to what was being said. The big difference was that at no time was he at all defensive.

So why do I have a good feeling about how things went?

Because we did not get the 'usual' platitudes offered, which are intended to fob us off. Some of the replies from Richard were quite challenging and demonstrated that he has a very different mindset. As we reached the end of the conversation, Richard enquired why I am so negative about CaRT in some of the articles I write on narrowboatworld. I could have trotted out a platitude or two, just to fob him off. Saying something like 'there are so many negative issues to choose from.' So I chose the diplomacy route and said nothing.

Fresh perspective

I am however, anticipating a seed change as a fresh perspective is brought to the senior management role and with that the inland waterways. When the positives arrive, I will shout them from the roof top. I could never be a member of the Tony Hales fan club. As far as I am concerned, that remains as just another space primed to be filled. But I could certainly be a Richard Parry groupie.