The licence 'facts' disputed

Published: Thursday, 16 August 2012

A boater cruising the Leeds & Liverpool Canal disputes the claim made by Canal & River Trust concerning the number of unlicenced boats,  with Peter Ponting writing:

Following the comments of Paul Griffin from the Canal & River Trust. It prompted me to follow the Leeds & Liverpool Canal with a watchful eye.

Enforcement notices

He states that there are currently 250 boats on the waterway of which 14 boats have enforcement notices against them.

Well perhaps they may like to travel the section between Rose Grove and Dover Bridge (where we are currently moored for the day), as we have so far passed 418 boats of which 64 have out of date licences in 37 miles of cruising.

The article from Orph Mable 'Whingers' prompted this letter.

Justify positions

The boating community have little or no say in the establishment that runs the canal network, which as I have proved, gives out false statements, trying to justify their positions, when in fact they have no realisation of the truth.