Northampton Arm lock repair will take longer than anticipated

Published: Thursday, 06 June 2024

IT WAS on the 25th of May that Lock 11 on the Northampton Arm failed and was to be repaired by the end of June.

This was five weeks in all as Rodney Hardwick pointed out.

But now we are told that this repair will take 'longer than anticipated', Keith Gudgin reports.

NorthamptonArmTemporary repair

We are informed that the replacement balance beam was taking longer than anticipated to source and fabricate, so a temporary repair to brace the existing beam has been made.

This will allow the lock to be used but not stated if was regular use or for Fridays only in the early afternoon as previously stated.

But users are told to walk over the bottom gates when operating the lock as there are potential trip hazards on the walkway of the top gates. Rodney Hardwick's photograph shows Photograph shows the temporary repair.