Well deserved award

Published: Thursday, 21 March 2013

KEN BROMLEY, a well known boater on the northern canals is the well deserved recipient of the Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs (AWCC) Harry Sykes Trophy, writes Frank Hurst.


Presented by its President, Geoff Ashton, on Saturday at the National AGM of the AWCC held at Stafford Boat Club, this was for his actions in saving a man who entered the canal trying to rescue his dog near 'Ye Old Number 3' at Dunham Massey Cheshire.


The man was unable to get out of the canal and spent several hours trapped until rescued by Ken and others. He suffered an injured leg and hypothermia, and though he eventually made a good recovery, according to paramedics at the scene it was touch and go and could have had tragic consequences.