World Water Day

Published: Thursday, 21 March 2013

TOMORROW, Friday, is World Water Day, and the Broads Authority is asking people to do their bit for the Broads.

The Broads Authority is calling on the public, landowners, farmers, conservation organisations and water companies to do their bit to improve the health of our water in Britain's Magical Waterland.

Improve water quality

It is celebrating the day by revealing its new biodiversity and water strategy which aims to improve the water quality, quantity and wildlife within the Broads.

Andrea Kelly, Senior Ecologist, who produced the strategy with partners, explained:

"As well as setting a clear direction for our water and wildlife, the strategy puts people at the heart of our biodiversity work and focuses our efforts based on cutting edge science."

Taken the lead

The Authority, has also recently taken the lead in appointing a Broadland Catchment Partnership Officer, with its partners, to co-ordinate a water campaign which aims to see all interests working together along with communities central to decision making.

Neil Punchard, who was brought up in the Broads and returns to the area to take up the role after working for 12 years with Wessex Water Services, related:

Free advice

"Farmers will get free advice and access to funding to help them farm in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way, the water will need less treatment by the water companies so bills will be lower for customers, communities will benefit from a cleaner and healthier environment and wildlife will benefit with improved habitats.

"Water is the key to all life but it needs to be looked after and not taken for granted," said Neil. "Everyone can help by making small changes to their lives, from using environmentally friendly household products, such as low phosphate detergents to planting trees to increase water absorbency of our land and gardens. The campaign is also about conserving water so you can play your part in using water wisely such as by simply turning the tap off as you clean your teeth."