Concerns over appeal

Published: Monday, 25 February 2013

HAVING looked at the Charities Commission web site, and in particular the Canal & River Trus't Objects of Association I am concerned about the breach appeal, writes Peter Ponting.

As a registered charity, the Objects of the Charity set out what the charity is going to do.

2.4 to promote, facilitate, undertake and assist in, for public benefit, the restoration and improvement of inland waterways.

Raise funds

Charities may raise funds through appeals for specific purposes. For example the RSPB regularly send members appeal letters, likewise the Woodland Trust. This is usually to buy land to protect species as defined in their Objects.

However item 2.4 of the CaRT Objectives clearly state that it is the sole guardian of the Inland Waterways.

Not charitable

Setting up a breach appeal, is to raise money for an object which as stated is clearly their responsibility, which is not charitable.

Perhaps CaRT should be challenged as to the legality of the appeal, by accepting monies for their own neglect.

[Although the appeal was meant to run up to Easter this year, it is no longer being given prominence due to adverse criticism and poor uptake—Editor.]