CaRT closes handy shop

Published: Monday, 03 December 2012

BOATERS using the Audlem Flight on the Shropshire Union Canal tell us they appreciate the products offered by Georges, finding the little shop very handy indeed.

Georges is a small wooden hut and gazebo based just off the flight, by lock 15, with boater Graham Phillips remarking:

"George's has become a massive favourite with passing boaters and locals alike who enjoy the range of sausages and beautifully fresh vegetables among a large range of products. One of those canal businesses that makes cruising the canals a varied and enjoyable experience."

Remove it immediately

However, Canal & River Trust have objected, telling Dan, who runs the business, that he has to remove it immediately.

Apart from the unsympathetic attitude from CaRT, Dan has had a very tough year and losing his business hasn't helped his health and family issues.

Change its attitude

A petition has been set up which will be presented to CaRT in the hope that it will change its attitude.

Graham adds:

"I can't understand why CaRT seem so intent on closing businesses down which could be such an asset to them by encouraging 'visits' to the inland waterways."

