A bit of calm

Published: Monday, 08 October 2012

THOUGH there is criticism of the contents of John Dodwell's article, (CaRT trustee answers NbW reports) Kathryn Dodington remarks that it brings a bit of calm to what seems to her to be a bit of 'CaRT Bashing', and writes:

Yes mostly the same people at the top but we have some excellent trustees who come from a strong business background—the type of thing I found in business to be a breath of fresh air and always a sense check on the 'we've always done it this way—why would we do it differently'. Well because a fresh set of eyes has looked at it.

Need our support

I believe, in these initial months/years of CaRT that it needs our support at all levels. It's not just British Waterways in another guise, in my view. Yes there have been some things done that I take a deep breath over, but on the other hand I detect a more customer focused approach from the Trustees, 'the office' and from those we meet on the ground.

It's very easy to give a dog a bad name, and I truly feel we should welcome the change in customer focus and the openness of at least one trustee—well done John Dodwell and please keep up the open communication you have started.