Email: Selective reporting

Published: Sunday, 07 October 2012

I wonder how many of your readers took the John Dodwell article at its face value?

I certainly did not, for it is a long time since I read such selective reporting out of context.  Even his quotes supported this.

Though it is obvious he is concerned for the waterways, to me there was too much of the CaRT spin on much of what he wrote, and what the hell are the use of electric monitors telling when the water rises—it is too late then.  They don't make allowances to lower the water beforehand as an old fashioned lengthsman would do.

And as for future use of the rejected workboats, I don't think so; many are now half sunk and obviously little more than scrap as a reader suggested.

And all that dredging he listed (more spin?), going on recent performance, I have my doubts.

James Henry