50 boats expected at Gathering

Published: Wednesday, 21 March 2012

AROUND 50 boats from across the canal network are expected at the four day Boat Gathering at Ellesmere Port Museum.

The event, which runs from the 6th to 9th April will have a Sea Shanty festival as well as the traditional fun and games—and three days of musical entertainment from the 6th to 8th with evening concerts.  The picture shows a part of the crowd attending last year's event.

From across Europe

During the first three days of the Gathering shanty singers from across Europe will be performing their atmospheric songs among the museum's historic dock buildings.

Friday and Saturday evening see a pair of formal shanty concerts with tickets available from Shanty UK at www.shanty.org.uk

Showing youngsters

Shanty singers will be showing youngsters how to perform traditional songs and taking part in performances highlighting some of the more gruesome and piratical aspects of life at sea. Add in old fashioned games around the museum and there is plenty for all the family.

Museum Marketing Manager Oliver Briscoe exclaimed:

"We're excited by the plans for the Easter Boat Gathering this year with a real emphasis on music and family fun. It's a great chance to showcase the heritage and tradition of the canals to the general public in a great setting."

Battle of tugs

Other events across the festival include demonstrations of traditional crafts, lectures, book stalls, lock demonstrations, battle of the tugs, and a tour of the museum's Heritage Boatyard.

Then there's the café, barbecue  and a mini real ale bar and the Easter Boat Gathering is advertised as Cheshire's most colourful Easter event, and the biggest weekend in the museum's calendar.