Another boat builder goes

Published: Monday, 30 January 2012

THE latest boat builder to go is David Thomas Boat Builders of Braunston.

Dave—as he prefers to be known—has been 20 years in the business, starting as a welder in Braunston before launching his company at Braunston Marina.

Working boats

In addition to boat building he undertook specialist work on repairing working boats, with his last job being on the working boat Dover, on which he carried out major repairs.

He delighted in actual riveting work on the old boats, making a change from welding, though he was trained as a welder.  Dave also built Dutch barges, that are still on the waterways today.

It is of course the collapse in narrowboat building that has caused Dave's retirement at 62.  He was one of those whose boat building expertise meant he never had to advertise, his reputation being enough to guarantee him enough work.