Cannot be measurable

Published: Saturday, 14 January 2012

WHILE wishing to thank John Dodswell (narrowboatworld 08-01-12) for responding to my missive about the AIMS of Canal & River Trust, I would want to challenge a little of what is written, writes Orph Mable.

My thanks also go to Allan Richards (narrowboatworld 11-01-12) who has so kindly 'set the record straight' with attributable facts in respect to the Pubs joint venture fiasco.


I am at a loss as to see how most of the 'draft charitable purposes' of the future trust can in any way be measurable.

'To hold in trust or own and to operate and manage inland waterways for public benefit, use and enjoyment including (but not by way of limitation):

  1. for navigation and other use of vessels
  2. for public access on foot and for recreation and other leisure-time pursuits of the public in the interests of their health and social welfare; and
  3. for the improvement of commerce and industry generally.

To protect and conserve for public benefit sites, objects and buildings of archaeological, architectural, engineering or historic interest on, in the vicinity of or otherwise associated with inland waterways'.

Navigable condition

This is a pure statement of fact and in no way indicates that the waterways must be maintained in a navigable condition or fit for their original purpose. How does anyone measure 'hold in trust'?

The 'public benefit' section is even more 'wishy-washy' with no measurable or quantifiable targets. 'Promotion of' etc. can be achieved by printing a few fliers on benefits of some feature or other.

Difficult to support

I am sorry to say that I find the flowery corporate-speak of this draft difficult to support whole-heartedly. I do not disagree with any of the sentiments (for this is what they appear to be) within it, but surely to gain support from all actual waterway 'users' (i.e. boaters, waterway businesses and angling clubs, all of whom contribute financially and directly to the waterways) something more 'earthy' is needed!

Could we please have some plain English that will ensure that we can determine if Canal & River Trust is 'fit for purpose'?