Anglers and cyclists fall out

Published: Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A TOWPATH cyclist, annoyed by an angler who had his rod across the towpath, argued with him then pushed him into the waterway.

The 64 year old, Derek Bowers, was fishing in a match on the Calder & Hebble Navigation, and  had his rod across the towpath when the cyclist came arguing then pushed him into the waterway. He was helped out by fellow competitors, Alan Tilbury reports.

Other incidents

Other anglers have told of other incidents involving cyclists, with Martin Hellewell actually thrown into the Rochdale Canal at Todmorden by teenagers on bikes, remarking that the main problem is from cyclists in a hurry who cannot wait for you to remove your pole, and just riding over it rather than wait a few seconds.

Pole destroyed

One such angler, Alan Crook, reported he had his £500 carbon fibre pole destroyed by a passing cyclist who made no attempt to wait, but rode straight over it.

From time to time we receive reports of cyclists riding over poles, but some are most certainly in a hurry, every boater must realise to their own concern, but on the other hand the towpath is supposed to be kept the cycling lobby tells us.