Liverpool Link problem

Published: Friday, 09 August 2024

THE navigation to and from the Liverpool Link is closed by the Albert Dock Gate, it has been announced.

This was after an inspection of the gate, Keith Gudgin reports.

out of albert dockFollowing the inspection, Canal & River Trust engineers discovered that a specialised part was needed to keep the gate working, that has now been ordered.

Seven days

It is not expected this will be received until around seven days, then it will be installed and the navigation reopened. The photograph showing Albert Dock Gate on the left was taken when we were at its opening in 2009.

However Albert Dock Gate and Canning River Entrance Dock Gate cannot be operated separately, as they work on an interlock system, that means access to and from the Mersey from the Canning Docks cannot be possible during this time.

But boats cruising to or from Salthouse Docks via the Liverpool Link will not be affected. Nothing is expected to occur until the end of next week.