How can it be taken to a higher level?

Published: Wednesday, 07 August 2019

I AGREE with John Coxon that 'We need a full public enquiry into this incident and all the other failures of the system supposedly maintained by CaRT', writes Bill Ridgeway.

However, there are a few downsides to a Public Enquiry which influences the outcome:

* Who writes the 'Terms of Reference'?
* What may influence (politically or otherwise) the wording of the 'Terms of Reference'?
* How long will the hearing, deliberation and report take to complete?
* What delay will there be in challenging the findings of the Report?
* What will be the legal obligation for CaRT to take any notice (or will it just cherry-pick the actions they were intending to take anyway and call it job done)?

Taken to a higher level

I have posted here on a couple of occasions asking how can concerns about CaRT be taken to a 'higher level'. A collection of individual complaints can easily be pushed to one side.

An authority with clout may actually be needed to effect some real and meaningful action. I have not seen a response to my request. I am unwilling to accept 'I don't have any information so I can't take any action'.

The public to be made aware

Surely there must be an organisation with suitable clout which can consider complaints against CaRT? The present incident will highlight and focus minds on its actions and inactions. We need to use this issue (whilst it is in the public mind) as a springboard for taking CaRT issues to the 'proper authorities and for the general public to be made aware of what is happening at CaRT.