It's to be the Avon

Published: Thursday, 21 February 2019

THE lady who asked readers where it was safe to cruise has settled on the Avon.

It may be remembered that Paulene Brandon, who with her partner was hiring after many years of non-boating asked, in view of the many stoppages, where readers thought it would be safe to cruise.

Dare not risk it

Their previous hire some seven years ago was on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, but as the new trip coincides with it being closed last year, even though they fancied another of the Pennine waterways they dare not risk them being closed again this year.

In addition to the published suggestions in narrowboatworld there were others where the writers did not want their suggestions published, that we past on to her, with it seems many naming their favourite canal, and even the sadly neglected Oxford that was very prone to stoppages last year, and Paulene now tells us:

A lot to think about

"Thank you so much for all the suggestions, they certainly gave us a lot to think about, but I am afraid there were a couple that checking your site I found had had stoppages, though possibly not when the writers cruised the particular canals.

"Of the ones you forwarded to us, we were surprised at such as the Oxford Canal being recommended, as one of your witers had told how neglected it was, which possibly was the reason for the recorded stoppages.

"The Llangollen seems a favourite, and our hire company actually has a base there, but warned that it becomes clogged with boats at times.

"But it is the Avon that really takes my partner's fancy, especially as being told it is run by a different organisation and is kept open, so as it is his turn to choose  we have booked to cruise the Avon and  most likely a venture onto the Severn.

Paulene thanks all the people telling that their suggestions were appreciated.