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Withdrawal of funding coming home to roost
Another lift bridge failure
Bidford Bridge reopens today
Could be Chistmas until fallen trees cleared from waterways.
Police extend Grand Union Canal stoppage again and again
Unexploded bomb discovered in the Trent
Shroppie closed until Christmas
100 Club lottery to raise fund for Grantham Canal Society
Emergency to keep Soar from flooding Leicester Section
The Rochdale no longer closed through lack of water
Boat sunk the North Stratford Canal
A broken swing bridge a day keeps the boats away
EA boaters believe 9% increase is too much
A cruising club for Mercia
Severn debris all cleared from bridge
It seems 'assisted passage' is becoming the norm with long stoppages
A cloud hangs over Bulls Bridge
Red weather warning closes Caen Hill Flight
Marple Flight problems prevent them cruising
Ripon Canal closed