Extreme health and safety

Published: Friday, 09 January 2015

GREAT. Let's prosecute the marina owner. In fact, let's prosecute everybody for everything that could possibly cause injury or death to anyone anywhere at any time. (sarcasm off now) writes Mike Relac. I'm glad I don't live in Lancashire, subject to, in my opinion, extreme health and safety legislation.

Good grief! What ever happened to people being responsible for their own choices?

If I were having my boat worked on, I'd much rather have the choice to determine, after weighing the pros and cons, whether or not to stay on the boat while the work is carried out. If I am injured or die during that time, well, that's my risk. I am responsible for myself; not the state.

I find it increasing annoying that people get (wrongfully) punished by extreme, over-the-top regulation.

Next time I have my boat (which is also my home) worked on, I'll understand, but be very annoyed, why I may not be permitted to stay on it. Instead, I'll have to fork out money and try to find a place to live while the work is done.  What rubbish.