Email: Dependent on charity

Published: Wednesday, 14 May 2014
I think Simon Greer is more than a little harsh in his description. Firstly, CaRT is the body dependent on charity to maintain the waterway network. It has too little money to do that effectively.

Look at another similar charity, the National Trust, and see how long they will let you keep a motor-home on one of their car parks!

As I have said in previous emails, CaRT needs to ‘pass the buck' to the agencies that should be looking after the Maggies of this world. Local authorities and the NHS are past masters at reneging on their responsibility.

With regard to boaters voting, as Victor suggests, I doubt very much whether the majority of the serial moaners are eligible to vote. To be on the electoral register, they need to be at a permanent address and paying council tax for the services they mostly get for free at present, but demand as a right.

Martin Howes