Lengthsman on the river

Published: Thursday, 25 April 2013

ALAS it in not Canal & River Trust that is bringing back its much needed lengthsmen, but the National Trust who still have them on its Wey Navigation.

Robert Craig, is one of the rare species, who patrols a length of the river including  St Catherine's Lock at Shalford, and is in the news for taking groups of local residents along his patch, pointing out the many interesting features along the way, Alan Tilbury reveals


He talks of the history of the navigation as well as showing the local flora and fauna, and telling the species of the many birds, with the walks usually culminating at Ye Olde Ship Inn at St Catherine's for lunch.

It will be noticed that CaRT was not the first to inscribe its lock gates, but the National Trust, however instead of what is now widely regarded as 'potty poetry', with the more sensible name of the lock.