Crocodile in Thames?

Published: Thursday, 21 February 2013

FOR THE second time there have been reports of a crocodile in the Thames near Caversham Bridge.

The first sighting was by Richard Smith last summer, but since then he has learned that others have also seen the creature, which is estimated at four feet long.


He is now undertaking research into crocodiles and has approached people running Post Offices in the area to see how many more sighting there have been.

He had also noticed Canada geese on the Thames near Reading being suddenly pulled under water, thinking it was a big pike, but now has second thoughts.  He told that the goose was pulled under the water, being tipped over on one side, his right wing flapping then disappeared under the water, not to be seen any more.

Swan pulled under

A man he spoke to in a fishing tackle shop related that he had seen a fully grown swan pulled under the water.

As there has been no sign of the crocodile this winter, Richard Smith, a retired university lecturer, thought it could have hibernated in one of the deep holes under the bank.