GU rubbish tip

Published: Monday, 11 February 2013

IT TOOK 28 members and friends of the Inland Waterways Association Warwickshire Branch to clean out a length of the Grand Union Canal at Leamington Spa over a week-end.

Using grappling hooks the unusual anglers trawled for their catch of bikes, road signs, tractor tyres, supermarket trolleys and many discarded domestic goods, Branch Campaign Officer Alison Smedley writes.

Four tons of scrap

At the final weigh-in there were approximately five truck loads of rubbish, but no fish. CaRT Volunteer Leader, Steve Lambert, who supplied equipment and supervision for the event, estimated that there was just under four tons of scrap metal collected, consisting of over 30 bicycles, 20 shopping trollies, road signs and other rubbish.

Other volunteers litter picked the towpath and the off-side, where amongst the items found were a Christmas tree complete with baubles and stand. More than 20 bin bags of litter were collected.  Photographs by Alison Smedley.

As well as canal cleanups, IWA Warwickshire branch members participate in regular work parties organised by the Canal & River Trust. Last year, the Branch also cleared the offside vegetation on part of the Hatton Lock flight. This year they will be controlling the vegetation on this stretch so boat crews can have the advantage of using both sides of the canal when using this lock flight.