Underhand snoopers are IWA!

Published: Friday, 04 January 2013

THE mystery of the 'enforcement officers' who take photos of boats on Canal & River Trust waterways but run away when challenged, can now be revealed by narrowboatworld.

The 'enforcement officers' are almost certainly Inland Waterway Association members who have been encouraged to supplement CaRT's 50 strong enforcement team by reporting boats they believe are not complying with guidance given to those without home moorings, writes Allan Richards.


Various explanations have been given for sightings that have been reported by Ralph Freeman (and others) in narrowboatworld. Suggestions, some unpublished, have ranged from somebody with a grudge against narrowboatworld (Victor) through CaRT employing private enforcement contractors to the bizarre explanation of boat spotters (John Dodwell, CaRT trustee).

However, it appears that CaRT's deplorable and shameful attempt to brand narrowboatworld's Ralph Freeman as a 'continuous moorer' has rather muddied the waters and we need to look for a simple explanation.

And the simple explanation is that it is the IWA.

Endorsed action

Whilst it is not known how long IWA's unofficial 'enforcement officers' have been operating, IWA's outgoing National Chairman certainly endorsed action of this nature at its last annual meeting in September 2012.

Peter Caswell of the Milton Keynes Branch asked what the association's view was regarding boat visitor index numbers being recorded by IWA members in an attempt to prevent continuous cruisers from mooring in the Milton Keynes area. Clive Henderson stated that it was not its stated intention to use volunteers in this manner as evidence obtained could not be used to obtain a prosecution. However, he went to suggest that such action should be taken to 'inform the trust of 'problem areas'.

Encouraging vigilantism

One IWA trustee and West Midlands Regional Chairman, Vaughn Welsh, has gone rather public in encouraging his local members to indulge in this kind of vigilantism. Writing in Navigation, his regional newsletter, he suggests that CaRT are unaware 'of those that try to hide in the numerous West Midlands canals like the BCN and its neighbouring waterways'.

He goes on to say that these waterways cover a significant mileage and have easy access to public transport and are therefore ideal for those who 'chose this way of life by hiding from officialdom cruising a regular circuit and returning to their favoured mooring spots on a regular basis'.

And of course, he encourages his IWA colleagues to report such craft with 'substantiating evidence'.  Hence the photos!

No useful purpose

It would seem that the IWA's initiative shows no useful purpose whatsoever other than to polarise boater opinion regarding those who chose not to have home moorings. With CaRT themselves suggesting that 2,000 boats are not demonstrating compliance with published guidance they hardly need IWA to find them a few more to deal with!

What is needed is solutions rather than acting as vigilantes and sitting in judgement of others, and it is gratifying to note that several boaters (not members of any boating organisation) are attempting to take up this and other issues in a non-confrontational manner.

Both boaters representatives

Clive Henderson and Vaughn Welch are not only IWA trustees but also boaters' representatives on CaRT's council. A third boaters' representative is also a trustee and the fourth a member.

Perhaps, the two of them would like to attend some of the meetings arranged this month by independent boaters to explain themselves.

Well actually, they have been asked but like the IWA vigilantes, they do not take kindly to being approached...