Meccano canal bridge

Published: Saturday, 22 December 2012

BRIDGES of waterways have been constructed in many ways over the years, but the one over a restored canal is most unusual as it is in giant size 'Meccano'.

The new footbridge that is being installed at the Nob's End Flight on the Manchester, Bury & Bolton Canal has been constructed with around 400 Meccano like pieces, Kelvin Alexander-Duggan tells us.

Bolted together

The new bridge is to replace the original wooden one that collapsed some years ago, with the steel peices being bolted together to form the bridge, the work being undertaken by members of the Manchester, Bolton & Bury Canal Society.

Much of the work was preparing the supports, with the bridge only taking four days to put together, starting on December 8th, with now a wait until warmer weather for the official opening.