Boat traders hit by continuous cruising rules

Published: Wednesday, 28 November 2012

ONE of the attractions of the waterways is the unusual array of independent boat traders, giving extra colour and interest in the myriad of wares on offer, but the Canal & River Trust rules are making some of their lives intolerable.

Many of the traders have built up their business in specific areas, and this means they are unable to comply with the continuous cruising rules, though of course they do move from place to place. Those serving other boats with such as fuel are particularly hit, as the same customers have of course to be visited on a regular basis.

'No return' rule

But CaRT, enforcing the 'no return' continuous cruising rule means that the traders having regular customers are being affected.

Graham, of the Floating Bike Shop has been advised he will face legal action unless he complies with the cruising regulations of his trading licence. But his business means though he moves weekly to several locations to cater for his customers, he of course returns to them, to which CaRT is objecting, with Graham stating:

"It is looking likely that I will not be trading from the boat in 2013, due to the intolerance of the newly formed Canal & River Trust, they have advised I will face legal action unless I comply with the Cruising regulations of my Trading Licence."

Roving mooring licence

Graham was one of the many traders who were encouraged by the then British Waterway looking at the possibility of a roving mooring licence for trading boats in 2009, which he, as others would be happy to pay, to allow him to revisit customers, but the Inland Waterways Association was against the idea.

Susie Mercer, CaRT's Boating Trade Manager (South) tells Narrowboatworld:

"All boat licence holders have to comply with the 1995 Act rules and so have to either have a home mooring or be ‘continuous cruisers'. There are no separate rules for those holding business licences."

She is is contact with Graham to try and arrange a meeting to see if they can resolve his issues.