Taking action

Published: Thursday, 22 November 2012

THE 48 hour moorings at Lower Heyford on the Oxford Canal are a honeypot site, being so close to the railway station which has a car park without charges, so we get more than our fair share of overstayers, writes Kevin McNiff.

What really bugs the long term moorers is that there is at least 400 metres of piled towpath with no posted limit albeit the standard 14 days. Over the last few years, this too has been abused by so-called visitors without much enforcement action being seen to be taken.

Left on 48 hr moorings

In ones particular instance, CaRT did make a firm stand. The narrowboat pictured was previously moored on that 14 days spot. It then came onto the 48 hours mooring and was left with no-one aboard. Eight days later, on Guy Fawkes weekend, someone let the boat loose and it drifted down the cut, being eventually made firm on a long term moorers' spot.

All of this was duly reported and, since it involved enforcement and
mooring management, pressure was brought to bear and the freeloaders finally moved off and back towards Banbury.

Inform CaRT

The boat  was English Rose, so if anyone spots it moored for a long time where it should not, please inform the local CaRT enforcement team.

If more of us are prepared to name and shame, it will help in the overall strategy to reduce this sort of activity. Anyway, similar types take note, you will always be reported to CaRT for action if you abuse this spot!