Mystery over canal death

Published: Monday, 29 October 2012

THE family of Jack Sykes who was found dead in the Huddersfield Narrow Canal near Milsbridge are desperate to discover how he came to be drowned in the reeds of the waterway.

Jack was a strong swimmer, hadn't been drinking or taking drugs and there wasn't a mark on his body when he was discovered seven hours after leaving for work, Alan Tilbury tells us.

Two months

It is nearly two months since Jack was discovered in the waterway, and his mother Jacqui just cannot believe no one either saw him or knows what happened to him, and wants to be put out of her agony of not knowing.

He walked to work, as was normal, along the Huddersfield Narrow towpath, leaving at 7am, with a 20 minutes walk into town to work, but of course never arrived.

He was discovered in the water by boaters who immediately contacted the authorities.