Email: Every right

Published: Saturday, 29 September 2012

Someone calling themselves John Wilkinson has every right to ask for information under the cover of the Freedom of Information Act or as a simple question to a manager. In the first case there will be some response. in the second case as he/she has found out there is (currently) no response, neither does there have to be. So not using the Freedom of Information Act actually means CRT doesn't have to answer a direct question to a manager, yet he/she keeps asking the question indirectly via narrowboatworld, which I am guessing has no more likelihood of getting an answer than has already been displayed.

Furthermore if he/she cannot be bothered to look me up either here or on the Net then I can't be bothered to spend any more time on this other than to ask, if he/she gets his/her answer what will be the benefit either to him/herself or to the waterway?
