More rubbish than last 30 years

Published: Thursday, 27 September 2012

I WRITE to echo the sentiments in the post 'Rubbish—Do It Yourself!' As a whole the rubbish count around the canal system is worse now than I can remember at any time in the last 30 years, writes  David Lyneham-Brown.

Maffi writes 'May be this (rubbish clearance) could be promoted as a national pastime'. Our problem is that dumping the rubbish is already the national pastime and a 180 degree turn in attitude by too many of our 'citizens' is badly needed. I have worked in many parts of the world and even the favelas of South America are generally less rubbish strewn than the BCN main line.

Continue to deteriorate

But he is right; unless we all get stuck in the situation will continue to deteriorate. I try to use the time while waiting for locks to fill or empty to clear lock-side into carrier bags, then try to dump the contents into supermarket or local authority litter bins when encountered.

CART rubbish points are too far apart and piling the bags on the boat roof will present problems in tight bridge-holes—and don't even try the tunnel under the M5 on the Droitwich!

Recruiting volunteers

Now CART is busily recruiting volunteers could some of their time not be directed towards a planned clear-up programme. In the Grantham Canal Rangers we are developing tie-ups with local community groups and, working in partnership with them, we are achieving a real impact on sections of our canal. CART volunteers could develop the same approach, around the system.

Finally, I'm sure CART front-line workers clear up water surface and offside rubbish while cutting back the offside vegetation—parts of the Trent & Mersey are restricted to one third of their navigable width, so I can only hope that as they restore navigation they can clear up as they go.