Email: Centre rope

Published: Thursday, 20 September 2012

Why is it you see so many hire boats passing you on the canals with the occupants hanging from the gunwales like marauding Pirate’s and the centre rope coiled neatly in the middle of the roof?

Unless there is an emergency surely there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for walking along the gunwale of a narrow boat if the centre rope is kept at hand on the stern where it should be.

What could be easier than the Skipper bringing the boat gently alongside, bringing her to a standstill with the engine and when its safe to do so a crew member stepping off the stern onto the towpath with the centre rope and pulling the boat in from the centre and holding it there until the front and rear ropes are secured by another.

Why are so many people putting their lives at risks traversing the gunwales and then jumping from the bow with the front rope in their hand. Maybe all hire companies should make sure that this one very important safety rule to brought to the attention of all hirers and their crew.

Bernie Davies