Inconsiderate boaters

Published: Monday, 13 August 2012

THERE have always been inconsiderate boaters, but it seems strange that there are those who moor close to others out in the 'sticks' then run their boat engines late in the evening.

This happened to Amy Dickerson who tells us she always moors her boat Black Bryony up in the country away from other boats. There are plenty of boaters like me who rarely stay on visitor moorings and prefer the quiet peaceful environment that this offers well away from other people.

Drone of engine noise

I rarely run my engine when moored up and object to those who cannot manage the running of their engine or generator between 8am and 8pm to charge their batteries. I do not want to have to listen to the drone of engine noise after 8pm.

Tonight a boat moored up close to me at 6pm near Compton on the Staffs & Worcs. No problem with that until at 9pm the engine starts up. 10 minutes later I ask the couple on the boat how long they intend to keep the engine on since it is well past 8pm (the cut-off time for engine running).

Verbally aggressive

The guy starts getting verbally aggressive towards me (I have been polite) and certainly do not understand why the male of the species often behaves like this when questioned about their inconsiderate engine running.

The next time anyone starts getting aggressive in situations like this I will phone the Police and ask them to intervene.  If you are inconsiderate and run your engine after 8pm please do not moor up near other boats.

[Next time name and shame Amy—Editor]