You've left something behind mate!

Published: Thursday, 02 August 2012

THIS somewhat battered boat, being towed, finally gave up the ghost and sank on Derwent Mouth moorings on the Trent on Monday, but was simply left for others to clear.

It had been seen for quite a while around the Upper Trent and the Trent & Mersey Canal, being towed by the 'camouflage boat', both without licences showing.

At dusk

The last time it was seen actually moving was the previous Tuesday as it was being towed by the 'camouflage boat' up Sawley Cut at dusk.  The pair were often seen moored by the weir at the top of the Cut, with one tied to the 'No Mooring' post.

The towed boat was in poor condition, and sank tied to the lock moorings at Derwent Mouth where the pair had been moored.

Left on the bank

The boat was emptied of the owner's belonging, with cloths drying on the hedge and a fire built on the towpath burning all that could be burnt, but all the debris was left on the bank, with the 'camouflage boat' disappearing.

This had to be cleared by Canal & River Trust staff on the Tuesday by barrow, having to wheel the debris to their truck.