Metal thefts from boats

Published: Wednesday, 20 June 2012

IT SEEMS the occurrences of theft from boats at canal-side moorings is rife, with in some cases thieves targeting brass fittings, as Audrey Brewer writes.

I have just read about metal thefts from waterway groups, but individual boats are also prone to such thefts, with seven boats suffering damage at our moorings, with thieves obviously coming well equipped, for they ripped off the brass mushrooms from three of the boats, with a crowbar or something similar, it ripping out the screws and damaging the paintwork.

Just wanted brass

One boat had both its brass plank and pole holders ripped off, and another boat even had its brass vents taken, with again the screws ripped out with some sort of tool. It seems the thieves were not bothered about breaking into the boats, they just wanted the brass fittings, with all sorts of things being taken, and coming with the equipment to do it, and we think it something like a crow bar that has plenty of leverage to get things off.

Even then they did it quietly, as at one end there is a resident, who heard nothing during the night of the attack.  I would prefer you did not mention the moorings, as I don't want to give others any ideas.