Robin exceeds himself

Published: Wednesday, 16 May 2012

BRITISH Waterways Chief Executive, Robin Evans, has given some more surprising statistics, this time to the Inquiry in the House of Lords on the transfer orders to take British Waterways into a charity.

He told the Lords in answer to a question on funding from Baroness Morris of Yardley:

"Some 98% of the people in this country consider the canals and waterways in this country to be a treasured asset."

Of the many quotes we have had, this is surely the most hare-brained of them all, telling that virtually every man, woman and child in the country believes the waterways to be a treasured asset.

Try it yourself

Why not ask the people you know? And see if he is correct.  I have just been to the Vet's with my dog, and brought up this question to a lady sat by me, a receptionist and the vet herself, and received blank stares, and in one case a rather funny look!

This is absolutely ridiculous, and totally insubstantiated, as  is the other reply to the Lords of the 13,000,000 visitors to the waterways. Somewhat is contradiction to the 3.5 millions visitors as told to a parliamentary commission.

Will anything get done

When ask about the governing of the new Canal & River Trust, he told the Lords:

"150 people in governance up and down the county."

Will anything every get done?  How many more committees in the offing? How many more people with their own agendas?

Tom Crossley