Angler and cyclist come to blows

Published: Friday, 25 November 2011

A CYCLIST trying to get to work was so upset by fishing rods across the towpath that he and a angler came to blows.

This happened earlier this month on the towpath of the Rochdale Canal near Todmorden, where three anglers had their rods stretched across the towpath causing the cyclist to dismount.

Fight broke out

After one of the anglers told him to look what he was doing, Robin Spence was so irritated that he ran straight over the last of the rods, upon which one of the anglers caught hold of him and pulled him off his bike, and it was then a fight broke out.

One of the rods was damaged during the scuffle, and both the angler and the cyclist received injuries, with the cyclist attending hospital for treatment to his face and bruising.