Work on the Wyrley and Essington Canal

Published: Thursday, 24 November 2011

WORK is progressing well on the Anglesey Branch of the Wyrley and Essington Canal around the Anglesey Basin.

The repair works to the canal basin are nearing completion, with just a concrete cover slab to be installed over an outlet, and a great deal of the main work to the North  of the waterway is complete, with just drainage pipes and landscaping left.

Chasewater Reservoir

This canal is reliant on water from Chasewater Reservoir that is being repaired, with water levels rising slowly after the two valves in the main valve house had been repaired, and other work is progressing.

The bulk of the construction is now focused on the Nine Foot Pool area, but it is expected that Chasewater will again be supplying water to the BCN next year, with the weir the last structure to be built sometime in the New Year.