Mink take over Union Canal

Published: Monday, 03 October 2011

MINK are breeding along the Union Canal around Edinburgh, with news of mass attacks on both pets and wildlife.

They have been seen hunting in packs attacking young dogs and cats as well as decimating the duck population around the city, Alan Tilbury tells us.

Over 50 dead ducks

One boater found over 50 duck carcasses when she returned to her narrowboat, with the mink that was responsible still in the boat. It was eventually lured off but escaped, ignoring the traps that have been set.

Edinburgh Council is now compiling a report on the control of mink after local councillors received complaints that the animals were creating destruction on the canal banks.


The problem was that people broke into mink farms releasing the animals, not having the sense to realise that they would kill our own native breeds. They are now becoming well established along many of our waterways.

Andrew Burns of Total Pest Solutions, told that the lady from the boat had reported that all the ducks she fed had disappeared, then he found all the dead bodies piled up in the boat, reporting that they kill for food and kill for fun.

There is no policy for dealing with mink by either the council or by British Waterways.