Email: State of disrepair

Published: Monday, 25 July 2011

I read the account of David Savidges' complaint to British Waterways about the condition of Garrison Flight. It is a pity it has been allowed to fall into a state of disrepair.

This flight was always my flight of choice when entering or leaving Birmingham by the North Eastern route.

I complained about Minworth Locks the last time I went through them. One rack was so badly adjusted that when about three quarters raised, the pinion lost contact with it completely and the paddle crashed back down.

It would only have been about an hour's work to re-adjust with packers. When relating this to another boater at Cambrian Wharf he told me it had been like that for months! Such was the wear and tear that soon the whole assembly would need replacing. Perhaps British Waterways had never heard that 'a stitch in time saves nine.

Tony Collins