The Braunston blockade

Published: Monday, 04 July 2011

THE working boats rally at Braunston has proven that not everybody dotes on the past, for we have received complaints of boaters being stuck for hours, throwing their cruising plans into disarray.

Though we do not usually publish articles when the person submitting them does not want to be named, we have had so many irate boaters complaining about being held up over the rally week-end, especially by the procession of the vintage boats, that it is obviously of public interest.

Six hours

One boater, hastening to get his hire boat back told us he was held up for six hours by the waterway being jammed solid by not only the vintage boats but other moored boats that had descended on Braunston, completely blocking the waterway.

Others too, out for a week-end cruise, were thwarted by the number of boats, and could make little progress, with one boater suggesting it was stupid organising such a rally at one of the busiest places on the canal network, and that it should be staged at a more appropriate venue.


The week-end itself was obviously a success for lovers of vintage boats, but also obviously a nightmare for those of little interest in the past, but wanting get through Braunston with their boats.

The rally it seems was poorly organised, with little thought to those who wanted to get through Braunston as it completely clogged up the waterway with normal traffic unable to proceed. There were moored boats on both sides of the waterway stretching out of Braunston, with vintage boats taking part in the procession taking over the only available channel.

Huge inconvenience

One boaters told us that not everybody dotes on the past, and when you are perhaps on a holiday or just need to get back to your mooring to go back to work or something, six hours out of your schedule is a huge inconvenience.

Another boater tells that in essence there is nothing wrong at all with the celebration of the working boats, but perhaps time to rethink the venue.