Petition against licence increase

Published: Monday, 21 March 2011

A PETITION has been started on the internet challenging British Waterways' drastic increases in short term boat licences.

It was our Allan Richards in narrowboatworld that first brought boaters attention to the increases,  revealed in a document provided by a British Waterways employee showing licence fees will rise on April 1st by 5.1% for a 12 months licence, 50% for a six months licence and a massive 80% for a three months licence.  British Waterways has now published details of the licence increases, and they are as Allan stated.

Somewhat confusing

With boaters being unable to believe such a hike in fees, affecting the less well-off, Allan further explained the sums involved that were somewhat confusing.

Last Thursday, 17th March, George Cutting launched a petition on the internet based on our revelations, reading:

'The purpose of this petition is to challenge British Waterways (BW) recently increased 6 month & 3 month river licence fees to circa 80% of the annual fee & request they return to the pro rata charging basis on the grounds the increases are both excessive, discriminatory & undemocratic because existing licence holders were not consulted despite a BW mission statement to the contrary when they could have been as BW hold existing customer contact details'.

Conflicting statement

The petition then goes on in detail, explaining the effects such increases will have on boaters, quoting the conflicting British Waterways mission statement.

Should any of our readers be interested in this petition or consider signing, Graham Phillips tells us its address: