Five years of aggro

Published: Thursday, 19 March 2015
AFTER being on the canal system for 16 years, I can honestly say that this has been the worst five years of my life, thanks to CaRT, writes Sue Whyke.

All I wanted to do was open a tea boat in a lovely area. Discussions with CaRT ensued for I wanted a permanent base to trade from. What could be so complicated? Well actually nothing, but five years on I'm no further ahead.

Within its terms

My point here is CaRT wants us all to stay within its terms and conditions but what about its responsibilities, what about its constitution and what about its legal obligations?

It advertises business boating but doesn't want you to do it. It will put up barriers, take longer than what they state to sort anything out. It claims to be transparent, supporting business boating and wanting to encourage everyone into slavery, sorry volunteering, so it can save them some dosh.

I know, stop taking everyone to court, it's not necessary and abuse of charitable funds. It doesn't believe in compromise but enjoys threatening you in order to achieve its goals. It is not here for the boating community.

Subjected to bully tactics

I've been subjected to its bully-boy tactics, it's no fun!

What it has done to me or should I say not done has left me in poverty, consequently I suffered depression and anxiety, now after therapy I'm back on my feet and still trying to earn legitimately but now it looks like another court case and a section 8 on my two boats.

How can I continue to pay for my home mooring if I can't earn. (I've always had a home mooring by the way) I put all my savings into this project, I had everything covered except for CaRT and its inability to achieve a straight answer, and persistently move the goal posts. There is more guidance as the years go on and added costs, but it really hasn't got a clue. It's unbelievable, really!

Charitable Trust? I think not

In my mind it wants the liveaboards gone or out the way in an overpriced BWML marina. It stinks of bureaucracy if you ask me. Charitable Trust, I think not.

Purely out of principle I will continue to fight to work, fight to earn a reasonable living, what a joke!

I don't dispute that it needs to be clear guidance and rules. These need to be fair and consistent, preferably with professional people at the helm instead of a bunch of clueless jobsworths.

I guess I just cannot believe or accept the fact that it continually gets away with this draconian behaviour. Personally I think there's more to it, like the government backing this behaviour. What I truly hate is having to write in such a negative way; how frustrating.

Time for change

It's time for change, change can only be brought on by the people. Change is desperately needed, only then can justice, liberty, equality leading to fairness and unity for all. So what happened to that petition?

CaRT your horse has bolted, you are a disgrace and from me you get a big thumbs down.